This article examines how dram shop liability laws reduce alcohol related harms, including motor vehicle fatalities, by holding establishments accountable.
This article examines the effectiveness of zero-tolerance BAC laws in reducing alcohol-related motor vehicle deaths, highlighting evidence that such laws serve as impactful public health interventions.
This article highlights strategies for public health leaders to craft persuasive messages appealing to diverse moral foundations and millennials, ensuring the future of public health workforces.
This dataset shows key features of the federal SSI program for children with disabilities (1996–2018), highlighting its role in assisting low-income families caring for severely disabled children.
This dataset maps U.S. school discipline laws from 2008–2018, highlighting key features, trends, and disparities, including recent efforts to reduce exclusionary practices like expulsion and suspension.
This dataset maps laws in four European countries implementing WHO's IHR(2005) to prevent, protect, and control the spread of diseases, developed with WHO and Swiss Federal Office of Public Health funding.
This dataset examines local small food retail laws in seven cities/counties using incentives like grants and tax breaks to improve healthy food access, as mapped through a 2018 policy surveillance project.
This article explores 23 legal levers across five domains promoting health equity in housing, including zoning laws, rent control, and fair housing protections, with limited evidence of their impact.
This dataset examines state laws defining dental hygienists' licensing, supervision, and authority, outlining the scope of practice, practice settings, and oral health care service requirements.
This dataset explores local just cause and retaliatory eviction laws in 10 U.S. cities, detailing protections for tenants and guidelines for landlords, supported by a 2018 policy surveillance project.
This dataset details state pain care laws as of Nov. 8, 2018, covering Schedule II opioid prescribing, healthcare practice standards, pain treatment guidelines, practitioner requirements, and prescription monitoring program (PDMP) features.
This dataset examines state MEDD policies, which set thresholds for morphine-equivalent opioid doses, aiming to reduce high-dose prescribing and prevent opioid-related mortality.
This dataset maps state-level SSP laws for children with disabilities (1996–2018), showing how SSP benefits complement federal SSI to address unique costs, reduce insecurity, and support families.
Scott Burris examines opportunity costs in public health law and the role evaluation and legal epidemiology should play in monitoring and evaluating the laws that impact Americans' health.