This article examines the impact of youth access laws and compliance interventions on reducing tobacco sales to minors, finding sufficient evidence supporting their effectiveness in decreasing juvenile smoking.
This article discusses the impact of mandated treatment programs for juvenile sexual offenders on recidivism rates. It explores the role of the legal system in rehabilitation and reducing re-offense behavior.
This article examines the effectiveness of drug courts in reducing recidivism among individuals convicted of drug-related offenses. The study reviewed 50 studies and found evidence that drug courts help reduce recidivism by 26%.
This article reviews the impact of coercive tuberculosis control measures, including detention, on public health. Evidence is insufficient to conclude that detention improves population health.
This article reviews milk fluoridation as a potential public health intervention for reducing tooth decay. Evidence is insufficient to establish its effectiveness in improving oral health.
This article reviews the effectiveness of red-light cameras in reducing motor vehicle crash fatalities. Evidence supports their role in lowering fatal crashes, but more research is needed for overall crash reduction.
This article reviews the effectiveness of primary enforcement seatbelt laws in reducing injuries from motor vehicle crashes. Primary enforcement laws increase seatbelt use and reduce fatalities more effectively than secondary laws.
This article explores the effectiveness of zero-tolerance BAC laws for drivers under 21 in reducing alcohol-related motor-vehicle fatalities, highlighting their public health impact and proven success.
This article examines laws requiring vaccinations for high-risk populations, emphasizing their role in preventing disease and public health challenges. The evidence regarding their effectiveness remains uncertain.
This article reviews the effectiveness of raising alcohol taxes to reduce consumption, showing that increased taxes lead to a decrease in alcohol use, contributing to public health improvements.
This article explores the effectiveness of selective breath testing sobriety checkpoints in reducing alcohol-impaired driving fatalities and injuries, showing an 8-20% reduction in related crashes.
This article examines the mixed evidence on the effectiveness of juvenile curfew policies in preventing crime and improving public safety, with some studies indicating no significant effect.
This article examines the effectiveness of laws limiting alcohol outlet density in reducing alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms, including violent crime, supporting such regulations as a public health intervention.
This article discusses evidence suggesting privatization of off-premises alcohol sales increases consumption and alcohol-related harms, emphasizing the need for further research on policy impacts.
This article examines evidence supporting Sunday alcohol sale bans as effective in reducing alcohol consumption, motor vehicle crashes, and domestic disturbances.