Public Health Law Research Graduate Certificate
This transdisciplinary, for-credit certificate, housed jointly in Temple’s College of Public Health and the Beasley School of Law, provides fundamental training in public health law and legal epidemiology research methods, such as policy surveillance, which is the systematic, scientific collection and analysis of significant public health policies.
Undergraduate Course: Law in Public Health and Health Care
This course, LAWU 1001, is aimed at undergraduate students interested in the intersection of law and health, including those pursuing degrees in public health, health professions, social work, political science, criminal justice and psychology. It is intended to provide students with the tools and competencies to deal with the legal issues they will encounter in their future health-related careers.
Curriculum and Teaching Support
Are you teaching legal epidemiology? Our team is available to offer guidance, provide course materials, and serve as guest lecturers. Use the link in the title of this section to send us an email.