Facade of a traditional house with cream siding, brown shutters, a central entrance, and a red bicycle.

Local Just Cause Eviction & Retaliation Laws

Jan. 1, 2019

  • Temple University Logo


Just cause and retaliatory eviction ordinances provide guidance and protections for landlords and tenants when renting residential property. These ordinances regulate which offenses constitute an eviction, dictate how much notice a tenant must have before they have to relocate, and at times prevent a tenant from retaliation from a landlord.

Local eviction protections often take state-level landlord-tenant laws a step further to provide detailed guidelines for landlords in the case of an eviction. Cities throughout the United States have varying protections or conditions before an eviction can be ordered against a tenant.

The map identifies specific sections of common eviction related ordinances from 10 major U.S. cities that are in effect as of January 1, 2019.

These data were created by the Kansas City Health Department Community Engagement, Policy, and Accountability staff as part of the 2018 Local Policy Surveillance Project, a year-long legal epidemiology project, with training and technical assistance from CDC’s Public Health Law Program, along with ChangeLab Solutions and the Policy Surveillance Program at Temple University’s Center for Public Health Law Research.