This dataset examines medical marijuana laws for patients across 27 states and D.C., including qualifying conditions, usage locations, patient possession limits, and non-resident regulations, from 2014 to 2017.
This dataset explores medical marijuana dispensary regulations across 24 states and D.C., focusing on registration, licensing, operations, and the number and location of dispensaries, from 2014 to 2017.
This article reviews Boston's 2012 cigar packaging regulation and its impact on reducing young people's access to inexpensive flavored cigars, increasing prices, and addressing disparities in availability across neighborhoods.
This dataset examines state drugged driving laws, including zero tolerance policies for drug impairment, to address traffic accidents and fatalities from illicit and prescription drug use.
This dataset analyzes federal and state laws regulating Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) with methadone for opioid addiction, including stricter state-specific requirements for Opioid Treatment Programs.
This dataset analyzes laws on PDMP reporting and authorized use, including reporting requirements, drug schedules covered, and data-sharing with insurers, Medicaid, and interstate PDMPs.
This dataset examines laws on the administration of prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs), including data collection, funding, and powers, covering January 1, 1998 to July 1, 2016.
This dataset examines laws regulating prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs), covering access to databases, delegation, patient rights, and law enforcement access from January 1, 1998 to July 1, 2016.
This study analyzes Florida’s opioid laws, finding significant reductions in prescriptions from high-risk prescribers. While prescriptions dropped, low-risk providers saw minimal change, indicating the laws targeted high-risk prescribing effectively.
This article compares U.S. and U.K. approaches to harm reduction, focusing on e-cigarette policies, and examines whether England's strategy could reframe the global debate on e-cigarette regulation.
Boston's 2011 regulation mandating minimum pricing and packaging of cigars reduced the availability of single flavored cigars by 34.4% citywide, curbing youth access. Compliance among 1,100 retailers was achieved within 15 months.
This dataset reviews state laws on naloxone access and administration for opioid overdose prevention, focusing on prescribing standards and third-party administration legality.
This article examines Florida's Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) and pill mill laws from July 2010 to September 2012, highlighting reductions in high prescribing and usage rates of opioid painkillers among prescribers and patients.
This article explores the lack of overdose-specific messaging and prevention tools in state prescription monitoring programs (PMPs), highlighting discrepancies in addressing overdose risks.
This dataset discusses local medical marijuana laws in Washington State, highlighting zoning choices and the public health impact of marijuana legalization, with a focus on regulatory frameworks and local government roles.