This longitudinal dataset captures more than 170 years of US state laws governing minors’ legal capacity to independently consent to sexual health services without the involvement of their parent or guardian.
This dataset explores state and federal drug-induced homicide laws, highlighting variations in classification, sentencing, and legal elements across 52 jurisdictions from 2018–2019.
This dataset examines state preemption laws that restrict local governments' ability to legislate on key health-related issues, including firearms, race, and election policies.
This longitudinal dataset captures laws addressing authority to respond to public health emergencies that were enacted between May 21, 2022, and September 23, 2024, in all 50 US states and the District of Columbia.
This dataset explores state isolation and quarantine laws, their use during COVID-19, and recent legislative changes limiting or reallocating authority, emphasizing tools for preventing communicable disease spread.
This dataset presents longitudinal data on state laws directing opioid litigation proceeds toward substance use disorder prevention, treatment, recovery, and harm reduction, highlighting policy surveillance utility.
This longitudinal dataset provides an overview of state statutes, regulations, and court rules governing debt collection lawsuits from January 1, 2023, through December 1, 2023, in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories.
This is a longitudinal dataset analyzing statutes and regulations related to the establishment of overdose prevention centers and state pilot programs for overdose prevention centers as of November 1, 2023.
This cross-sectional dataset provides an overview of state drug paraphernalia laws, focusing on how drug paraphernalia laws address access to drug checking equipment in all 50 states and the District of Columbia as of November 1, 2023.
This longitudinal dataset provides a comprehensive overview of anti-bullying laws across all 50 states and the District of Columbia, from January 1, 1999, through January 1, 2018.
This dataset is cross-sectional and displays key features of state-level statutes and regulations regarding buprenorphine prescribing for OUD outside of federally certified opioid treatment programs.
This dataset examines the impact of incarceration on Medicaid status, including policies around Medicaid suspension and termination during incarceration, with a focus on public health challenges upon release.
This article provides 18 years of data (1999–2017) on anti-bullying legislation and amendments across 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, and describes how the legal content analysis was conducted.
This dataset evaluates the policies of 75 U.S. cities in 2023, highlighting progress in health equity through affordable housing, food access, smoke-free air, and more.