
  • A man in casual attire engaged in conversation during a counseling session.

    State Minor Consent Laws for HIV/STI Services


    Mar. 12, 2025

    This longitudinal dataset captures more than 170 years of US state laws governing minors’ legal […]

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  • Outdoor market with tents, people shopping, and produce on display.

    Local Incentives to Improve Access to Healthy Foods

    Apr. 22, 2019

    This dataset examines local small food retail laws in seven cities/counties using incentives like grants and tax breaks to improve healthy food access, as mapped through a 2018 policy surveillance project.

  • A dentist and assistant perform a dental procedure on a patient in a dental clinic.

    Dental Hygienist Scope of Practice Laws

    Jan. 1, 2019

    This dataset examines state laws defining dental hygienists' licensing, supervision, and authority, outlining the scope of practice, practice settings, and oral health care service requirements.

  • Facade of a traditional house with cream siding, brown shutters, a central entrance, and a red bicycle.

    Local Just Cause Eviction & Retaliation Laws

    Jan. 1, 2019

    This dataset explores local just cause and retaliatory eviction laws in 10 U.S. cities, detailing protections for tenants and guidelines for landlords, supported by a 2018 policy surveillance project.

  • Healthcare professional handing a blister pack of pills to a patient.

    Morphine Equivalent Daily Dose (MEDD) Policies

    Nov. 8, 2018

    This dataset examines state MEDD policies, which set thresholds for morphine-equivalent opioid doses, aiming to reduce high-dose prescribing and prevent opioid-related mortality.

  • healthcare workers walking

    State Laws and Other Regulatory Policies Related to Pain Care

    Nov. 8, 2018

    This dataset details state pain care laws as of Nov. 8, 2018, covering Schedule II opioid prescribing, healthcare practice standards, pain treatment guidelines, practitioner requirements, and prescription monitoring program (PDMP) features.

  • Children playing on a colorful playground with trees in the background.

    State Supplemental Payments for Children with Disabilities

    Nov. 1, 2018

    This dataset maps state-level SSP laws for children with disabilities (1996–2018), showing how SSP benefits complement federal SSI to address unique costs, reduce insecurity, and support families.

  • Baker cutting out dough

    Cottage Food Laws Map

    Jul. 25, 2018

    This dataset outlines U.S. cottage food and food freedom laws as of Sept. 1, 2017, detailing who can sell home-made foods, sales venues, inspection, disclosure, and limits on cottage food operations.

  • Doctor showing a patient information on a tablet in a medical office.

    Pain Management Clinic Laws

    Jun. 1, 2018

    This dataset focuses on state laws regulating pain management clinics, their owners, and physicians, capturing laws in effect from January 1, 2006 through June 1, 2018, in response to the opioid crisis.

  • Rows of houses from an ariel perspective

    Disclosure of Environmental Conditions Laws

    Apr. 1, 2018

    This dataset examines U.S. state laws requiring residential property sellers to disclose environmental hazards, like asbestos, radon, and lead paint. It includes a 2017 dataset tracking disclosure rules to protect buyer health and property values.

  • Farmhouse on land with sunset

    Soil Vapor Intrusion Laws

    Apr. 1, 2018

    This dataset maps U.S. state laws on soil vapor intrusion, where underground chemicals contaminate indoor air. It includes a 2017 dataset showing state-by-state public health and safety regulations to address this pathway of chemical exposure.

  • Sign on a table with a cigarette in a slashed red circle

    Electronic Cigarette Laws

    Apr. 1, 2018

    This dataset maps U.S. laws on e-cigarettes, covering age limits, product definitions, ingredient rules, and packaging standards in 2016–2017, highlighting efforts to regulate sales, use, and public health impacts.

  • Doctor with face obscured speaks with a patient

    Office-Based Surgery Laws

    Mar. 14, 2018

    This dataset maps 2016 state laws regulating non-hospital facilities performing office-based surgeries and procedures, focusing on facility requirements, anesthesia use, and reproductive health care.

  • Pharmacist sorting white pills on a metal tray with a spatula.

    Direct Dispensing of Controlled Substances Laws

    Oct. 1, 2017

    This dataset examines state statutes and regulations on the direct dispensing of controlled substances by physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners to patients in an office setting, valid through October 1, 2017.

  • Two healthcare professionals in scrubs reviewing information on a laptop.

    Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice

    Aug. 1, 2017

    This dataset analyzes nurse practitioner scope of practice laws across states from 2015–2017, detailing variations in autonomy, prescribing privileges, collaboration requirements, and permitted activities under full or limited practice authority.

  • Mother breastfeeding newborn in a hospital bed

    Baby-Friendly Hospital Laws

    Jul. 27, 2017

    This dataset explores state laws and regulations encouraging or requiring hospitals to adopt breastfeeding-friendly practices under the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, including the 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.