topic - Any -AnalysisCPHLR BlogDatasetDesigning PHL EvaluationsEvent ArchiveEvidenceFraming PHLIdentifying Legal VariablesMethods LiteraturePast General EventPast ProjectPast Training EventProjectUnderstanding Law InfluenceWebinar Archive topics AnalysisCPHLR BlogDatasetDesigning PHL EvaluationsEvent ArchiveEvidenceFraming PHLIdentifying Legal VariablesMethods LiteraturePast General EventPast ProjectPast Training EventProjectUnderstanding Law InfluenceWebinar Archive keywords abortionADHDAdult drug treatment courtsAffordable Care ActAlcoholAmerican Planning AssociationanesthesiaAnti-bullyingBicycleCannabisCenters for Disease Control and PreventionChild Healthcivil liabilitycommunicable diseasecommunity treatmentCOVID-19Crimecrisis-driven policydiscriminationDobbsdomestic violenceDrivingdrug policyDrugsElectronic VapeEnvironmental Healthfacility regulationsfirearmsFoodFoot Patrolfoster careGraduated Driver Licensinggun violencehealth care accesshealth care serviceshealth care workershealth departmenthealthcareHIVHIV exposure lawhospital requirementsHousingImmigration lawsimmunityinfluenza vaccinationInsuranceintimate partner violencelandlordslegal and public health professionalslegal infrastructureslongitudinal datasetmass tragediesMedicaidMedical Marijuanamental healthmental illnessminor consentMunicipal mixed-use zoningNicotinenon-medical exemptionsNonmedical Exemption LawNorth Carolina Institute for Public HealthNursingOccupational SafetyOpioidopportunitiesoverdose preventionparentsphysical activitypolice officerspolicingPreventionprimary caregiverspublic healthPublic Health Authoritypublic health emergenciespublic health systemrecovery-orientedreproductive rightsresidential lease agreementsRoeschool performancescope of practicesexual healthSexually transmitted diseasesShared Use AgreementsStigmastrategiessubstance abuse disorderstenantsTobaccotrafTRAP lawsTraumatic Brain Injurytuberculosisuniversal health agencyvaccinationVaccine UptakeVaccine-Targeted Disease Ratesviolent crimeswagewalkable neighborhoodsYoung Probationary DriversYouth AccessYouth Sportszoning tags AlcoholAlcohol, Tobacco and Other DrugsAnalysisBrain InjuryBullyingChronic DiseaseDatasetDisabilitiesDrug PolicyEnvironmental HealthEvidenceFood SafetyHarm ReductionHealth Policy MakingHealth ServicesHearing, Vision and other Sensory DisordersHousingInfectious Disease Prevention and ControlInjury and Violence PreventionLesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender HealthMaternal, Infant and Child HealthMental Health and Mental DisordersNutrition and Weight StatusOccupational Safety and HealthOpioidOral HealthPhysical ActivityPreparednessPublic Health InfrastructureSexual and Reproductive HealthSocial Determinants of Health and Health Disparities private tags school Beasley School of LawCenter for Public Health Law ResearchCollege of Public HealthRobert Wood Johnson FoundationTemple University Beasley School of LawTemple University Beasley School of LawTemple University College of Public Health departments Center for Public Health Law ResearchHealth Services Administration and Policy campuses - Any - 10 Years of Public Health Law Research: Looking Back and Looking Ahead Conference The Center for Public Health Law Research at Temple University’s Beasley School of Law celebrated its 10th anniversary with a symposium, Friday, September 13, 2019, in Philadelphia. 2018 Policy Surveillance Conference This 2018 conference worked to define the state of the field, discuss key methods issues, and chart a path forward for future coordination and collaboration. 2024 Health Law Professors Conference Temple University Beasley School of Law and the Center for Public Health Law Research hosted the 47th ASLME Health Law Professors Conference in Philadelphia, from Wednesday, June 5 to Friday, June 7, 2024. After June Medical Services: The Past, Present, and Future of Regulating Reproduction In the wake of Supreme Court’s landmark decision, June Medical Services v. Russo, join the authors of four influential books on reproductive health for a discussion about the past, present, and future of the law and politics of reproduction. After the Inauguration: Abortion Law in 2021 This webinar from January 2021 brings together experts to discuss what the map for abortion access looks like with and without federal protection for abortion rights. Capturing a Rapidly Changing Landscape Using Sentinel Surveillance Researchers pioneering a new, rapid method of surveillance called “sentinel surveillance” describe their work in areas facing rapid change: abortion laws and reproductive rights and laws governing public health authority. Coding Case Law This installment of Legal Epi at Lunch takes a closer look at case law and its significance and role in policy surveillance. Exploring Policy Surveillance Webinar Series This webinar series examines policy surveillance and empirical legal research methods and standards, issues in global and local policy surveillance, and challenges and opportunities for the use of policy surveillance in research and policymaking. Health Equity in Housing Webinar Series This three-part webinar series from 2020 explores the goal of health equity in housing through the lens of laws, policies, and other legal mechanisms. Is Police Reform Possible? Symposium Reimagining the Criminal Legal System To Support Health Equity This 2021 symposium asks how to move forward to make the complex US criminal legal system healthier while avoiding the pressures to accept well-intentioned but ineffective interventions. Legal Data for Drug Policy This Legal Epi at Lunch webinar discusses the latest legal data for drug policy from CPHLR and Vital Strategies. Legal Epidemiology and the Path to Better Health Law and Policy This webinar, organized by the UK Faculty of Public Health with the European Public Health Association, introduces a global audience to legal epidemiology. Legal Epidemiology in Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference 2021 This 2021 conference was a global gathering of people whose work in legal epidemiology informs practice and policy at the intersection of law enforcement and public health. Let's Talk MonQcle! In this Legal Epi at Lunch webinar, CPHLR researchers and technology team answer questions about our cutting-edge software for scientific legal mapping, MonQcle. Local Policy Surveillance While the policy surveillance methodology is flexible and adaptable, conducting scientific legal mapping at the local level comes with unique challenges. Expert researchers discuss the creation of local policy surveillance projects. New Legal Epidemiology Resources for 2024 CPHLR staff explore the latest advancements in legal epidemiology technology for 2024. This includes a walkthrough of the latest in MonQcle and the advancements of released in May 2024. Podcast: Policy Surveillance and Legal Epidemiology, Tools for Public Health Advocacy Lindsay Cloud, JD, joined the Ideas for Practice podcast in early 2020 to share tools and resources to support public health professionals and agencies in policy and advocacy work. Surveilling Institutional Policies Researchers explore how scientific legal mapping can be used to track institutional policies, court settlements, and other governance standards, offering insights into coding methods, best practices, and challenges. Teaching Public Health Law in a Time of Judicial Activism This webinar, hosted by the Center for Public Health Law Research with the American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics, offers insights and advice for those faced with teaching to these decisions in the 2024-2025 school year. The Law and Evidence on Self-Managed Abortion Virtual Panel Series This panel series from 2022-2023 explores the interplay between empirical evidence on the safety and efficacy of self-managed abortion and laws, policies, and their application.