This dataset charts the history of minimum wage rates from 1980 to the present, explaining the relationship between federal and state rates and their impact on employees.
This study examines trends in drug use among drivers involved in fatal crashes in the U.S. from 1993 to 2010, focusing on prescription drugs, alcohol, and the increasing prevalence of multiple drug use.
This dataset examines state laws related to foodborne illness surveillance and outbreak response, highlighting reporting requirements for common foodborne diseases and their role in public health safety.
This paper discusses policy recommendations for regulating marijuana, drawing lessons from alcohol and tobacco regulation, and emphasizes prevention measures for impaired driving, retail pricing, and product restrictions.
This policy guide helps public health laboratory directors navigate challenges and legal issues related to sharing test services. It includes resources like checklists, self-assessment templates, and MOUs/contracts examples.
This article discusses the challenge of maintaining confidentiality in young adults' health care under parental insurance, highlighting the need for stronger HIPAA protections and the HITECH Act to support confidential care.
This article discusses how adopting a model statute could strengthen injury prevention efforts in state health departments, based on a Critical Opportunities presentation by Dr. Mel Kohn of the Oregon Health Authority.
This article discusses the benefits of legally requiring public health departments to be accredited, including improved performance, accountability, and community collaboration.
This article presents a process for integrating evidence into policy innovation, focusing on legal interventions, strategies for synthesizing evidence, and fostering relationships between researchers and policymakers.
This article discusses the proposal to raise the tobacco purchasing age to 21, aiming to reduce tobacco use among minors and prevent millions of premature deaths.
This study evaluates the impact of coach education on concussion reporting in high school athletes after the passage of concussion laws, finding that video and quiz education improved coach awareness.
This research note examines boundary misspecification issues in place-based policing evaluations, highlighting how boundary adjustments by officers may skew results and impact the accuracy of crime control assessments.