This dataset explores state and federal drug-induced homicide laws, highlighting variations in classification, sentencing, and legal elements across 52 jurisdictions from 2018–2019.
This is a longitudinal dataset analyzing statutes and regulations related to the establishment of overdose prevention centers and state pilot programs for overdose prevention centers as of November 1, 2023.
This longitudinal dataset provides a comprehensive overview of anti-bullying laws across all 50 states and the District of Columbia, from January 1, 1999, through January 1, 2018.
This study examines laws that authorize or require courts to prohibit offenders subject to domestic violence restraining orders (DVROs) and temporary restraining orders (TROs) from purchasing and possessing firearms (“firearm prohibitor” laws).
This dataset explores state laws limiting opioid analgesic prescriptions, including duration, dosage, and restrictions for minors, highlighting variations and penalties across states.
This dataset explores the impact of COVID-19 mitigation measures on opioid use disorder treatment in state correctional facilities, focusing on the accessibility of medication-related treatment and state-level interventions.
This dataset examines how states used Medicaid waivers during COVID-19 to increase access to substance use disorder treatment, focusing on telehealth expansion and adjustments to Medicaid requirements.
This dataset examines how state laws increased access to buprenorphine and methadone medications for opioid use disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on telehealth expansion and policy changes to improve treatment access.
This article advocates for repealing Stand Your Ground laws, urging the public health community to address racism and violence and promote a more positive worldview.
This dataset highlights city nuisance property ordinances in the 40 most populous U.S. cities (2017–2019), exploring their impact on public health and marginalized groups, including domestic violence survivors and individuals with disabilities.
This article reviews bans on specific firearms and ammunition, such as semiautomatic assault weapons, highlighting mixed evidence on their effectiveness in reducing gun-related harm. Insufficient evidence supports their use as public health measures.
This article evaluates the effectiveness of bicycle helmet laws in reducing head injuries and fatalities, showing significant increases in helmet use and a reduction in head injuries as a result of the laws.
This article reviews evidence on the effectiveness of court-mandated batterer intervention programs (BIPs) in reducing domestic violence recidivism, highlighting methodological concerns and inconsistent results.
This article reviews the effectiveness of waiting period laws for gun permits. While aiming to reduce gun-related harms, current research has insufficient evidence to determine their effectiveness as public health interventions.
This article discusses the impact of mandated treatment programs for juvenile sexual offenders on recidivism rates. It explores the role of the legal system in rehabilitation and reducing re-offense behavior.