Person in a police vest writing in a notebook.

Sentinel Surveillance of Emerging Drug Decriminalization Legislation

Sep. 8, 2022

This dataset provides a high-level overview of legislation that decriminalizes personal possession of most or all controlled substances (please refer to the Research Protocol for the full details). It tracks enacted laws, as well as bills that have been introduced on or after January 1, 2021, in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. The dataset is longitudinal, capturing movement in laws and bills from March 15, 2022, to August 1, 2022. It does not include legislation that decriminalizes possession of only a few, specific substances (e.g., marijuana only or psychedelic substances only).   

This dataset was created using the sentinel surveillance of emerging laws and policies legal mapping method with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The information contained herein does not constitute legal advice. If you have questions regarding your legal rights or obligations, contact an attorney in your jurisdiction. 

Read a Policy Brief that summarizes key findings of the dataset, offers policy recommendations, and establishes a research agenda for ongoing drug decriminalization.