Overall annual influenza vaccination rate has slowly increased among health care workers but still remains below the national goal of 90 percent. One hundred fifty hospitals required influenza vaccination, 84 with consequences (wear a mask, termination, education, restriction from patient care duties, unpaid leave) and 66 without consequences for noncompliance. Hospitals whose mandates have consequences for noncompliance included a broader range of personnel, were less likely to allow personal belief exemptions, or to require formal declination. The change in vaccination rates in hospitals with mandates with consequences (19.5%) was nearly double that of the hospitals with mandates without consequences (11%). Presence of a state law regulating health care worker influenza vaccination was associated with an increase in rates for mandates with consequences nearly 3 times the increase for mandates without consequences.
Impact of hospital policies on health care workers’ influenza vaccination rates
Feb. 18, 2013