Policy Surveillance Self-Guided Training

The Policy Surveillance Self-Guided Training features eight modules teaching each step needed to conduct policy surveillance. 

The modules include detailed instructions, as well as slide decks and links to tools and resources. We recommend beginning with Module 1 and working through the modules sequentially.

Module 1: Introduction, Policy Surveillance and Legal Mapping Techniques

The first module introduces the policy surveillance program, defines policy surveillance and introduces the methods used to conduct the research. The module is divided into two parts. 

Go to Module 1

Module 2: Defining the Scope of the Project and Conducting Background Research

This module teaches the second stage of the policy surveillance process: defining the scope of the project and conducting background research. 

Go to Module 2

Module 3: Question Development

This module explains why policy surveillance uses questions for coding, and how to develop the questions for a policy surveillance or legal mapping project. 

Go to Module 3

Module 4: Collecting the Law

This module teaches the fourth stage of the policy surveillance process: collecting and building the law. 

Go to Module 4

Module 5: Coding the Law

This module teaches the fifth stage of the policy surveillance process: coding the law. 

Go to Module 5


Module 6: Quality Control

This module teaches the sixth stage of the policy surveillance process: quality control.

Go to Module 6


Module 7: Publication and Dissemination

This module teaches the seventh stage of the policy surveillance process: publication and dissemination. 

Go to Module 7

Module 8: Tracking and Updating the Law

This module teaches the eighth and final stage of the policy surveillance process: tracking and updating the law. 

Go to Module 8

This training was developed using funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, with modules supported in part by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and ChangeLab Solutions under Cooperative Agreement Number NU38OY000141. The views expressed in written materials or publications and by the speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government.