
MonQcle (pronounced "monocle") is a web-based scientific legal mapping software used to navigate and organize complex legal texts to produce legal data for research and practice.

Using MonQcle, users can identify, code, and analyze laws and policies, then visualize, share, and update their findings all in one place.

Research teams around the world — from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland — use MonQcle to build data. As of October 2024, there were more than 1,000 MonQcle users worldwide.

MonQcle is a platform with tools to create cross-sectional and longitudinal datasets that link text to locations (jurisdictions or other places). The platform applies a question-and-answer framework integrating full pin citations that link each answer to the user-provided text. The service also includes tools to easily facilitate quality assurance processes and reduce human error.

Screenshot of platform that shows coding questions on the left and legal text on the right

A new version of MonQcle was released in 2024, bringing scientific legal mapping into the modern software landscape people have come to expect. The new MonQcle is responsive, extensible, faster, and more efficient. Leveraging supported and stable open-source projects like Strapi, GraphQL, and Vue.js, the new MonQcle reinforces the capability our users love while expanding the horizon of what can be done with legal data.

Contact us to learn more and get started.