Global Certificate in Legal Epidemiology

This global, 16-hour, non-credit certificate provides in-depth, self-guided instruction in the growing field of legal epidemiology — the scientific study of how laws and policies influence health.  

The Global Certificate is awarded by Temple University’s Office of Non-Credit Education in conjunction with the Center for Public Health Law Research, one of legal epidemiology’s founding institutions. Learn at your own pace from the researchers who are defining and refining the methods, and doing legal epidemiology every day.

Through three comprehensive modules, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the foundations of legal epidemiology and the transdisciplinary model of public health law. 

Download the syllabus.

The program, offered on a sliding cost scale, is perfect for anyone interested in developing their skills to support a healthier, more equitable future.

The modules and subsequent units teach the foundational theories of legal epidemiology and skills and techniques used to evaluate the impact of laws and policies on health.

The modules are: 

  1. The New Public Health Law – This four-unit module introduces the transdisciplinary model of public health law, the Five Essential Public Health Law Services, and the key doctrines of United States and global public health law. 

  2. Policy Surveillance – This three-unit module explores the history, process, and application of policy surveillance — a form of scientific legal mapping — and provide a step-by-step demonstration of the policy surveillance process. 

  3. Legal Evaluation – In this two-unit module, participants will learn the basic principles of legal evaluation and the quasi-experimental design elements that are necessary to scientifically evaluate the impact of law on population health, a crucial part of legal epidemiology practice. 

There are no prerequisites for this program. APHA members are eligible for a 15% discount off registration fees