Panoramic view of New York City skyline at sunset with skyscrapers and the Hudson River in the background.

How Regulating Electricity Demand Could Save Lives in New York City

Oct. 1, 2012

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This policy brief discusses an on-going inter-disciplinary study to measure whether laws that reshape local electricity demand can achieve significant health benefits in New York City. A collaborative effort of legal, economic, and public health researchers, the study will answer three crucial questions that should inform New York’s energy planning decisions: 

  1. Which state and local regulations on energy efficiency, conservation, and renewables can reduce or shift electricity demand in New York City away from peak hours of energy consumption, or significantly lower overall consumption? 
  2. How will the local electricity market’s price signals and local New York City power plants respond to that changing demand? 
  3. Will plant-specific responses at pollution-intensive electricity generators have any distinguishable health impacts for local populations?


Jason A Schwartz, Kevin Cromar, and Steven Soloway. How Regulating Electricity Demand Could Save Lives in New York City. Institute for Public Policy: Sept. 2012, Policy Brief No. 12.